Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Department of Sport and Health Sciences
Leading people to happiness through sports
Become a leader in health promotion
Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Department of Sport and Health Sciences
Leading people to happiness through sports
Become a leader in health promotion
Experience the joy of sports
From a health and exercise perspective
Leading the era of 100-year lifespans
Now that we have entered the era of 100-year lifespans due to advances in medicine and science, sports are playing an increasingly important role in society. Through practical learning and experience, you will increase your expertise in exercise and health, and acquire the ability to lead people to happiness through sports.
Direct instruction from expertssuch as world-class athletes
You can receive direct guidance from specialists in various fields, including former athletes on the Japanese national team, orthopedic surgeons, internal medicine physicians, and people with experience in school settings.
Simulating the work of a teacherat various school sites
We will create an environment where children can enjoy learning by providing opportunities to simulate the teaching profession, such as by participating in school supporters and lesson study groups.
Experience coaching and managementat the attached sports club
Participate in the NPO Ikiiki Daito Sports Club as a staff member and develop teaching methods, classroom planning and management skills, and acquire practical skills.
Physical education course
In order to acquire the leadership skills necessary for junior high school and high school health and physical education teachers and sports instructors, students will learn practical know-how in various educational and instructional settings.
Sports science course
Gain the ability to improve your competitiveness as an athlete or coach. After understanding the physiological and anatomical functions of the body, you will also learn training methods.
Community-Health Science Course
Aiming to contribute to "town development" based on health promotion through sports and exercise, students will acquire the ability to lead and manage health promotion programs in the local community.
Takumi Takagi
Centered on body mechanisms
Learn about exercise from multiple angles.
I chose Department of Sport and Health Sciences because I have always loved physical education and was interested in teaching methods in that field. Currently, I am focusing on learning how the body works and how to use it in each sport. A feature of our department is that it allows students to deepen their understanding of sports from a variety of perspectives, including training methods that can be applied to each sport. I feel that I am growing as I acquire practical skills while receiving feedback from both the knowledge gained through classroom lectures and the practical experience.
Mr. Takeharu Kunigami
Conveying the joy of competition
Teaching ability has definitely improved.
While teaching soccer to children at the on-campus facility ``Ikiiki Daito Sports Club,'' they are outputting the knowledge they have gained in class. The unique feature is that you can learn about sports by interacting with teachers who were active athletes and with actual professional teams. Students will learn coaching methods while experiencing each sport, and deepen their understanding of sports from a health and business perspective. I am attracted to the environment where I can kill two birds with one stone, where I can put my daily learning and experience into practice while also contributing to the health of local people.
1st year
Exploration of expertise
Learn a wide range of basics of exercise, sports, and health
2nd year
Pursuit of expertise (experience)
Learn experientially through practical skills and training
3rd year
Pursuit of expertise (theory)
Convert what you have learned experientially into theory
4th year
Acquiring "practical skills" supported by expertise
Put what you have learned into practice
Sports/Exercise Medicine Science Seminar
Based on sports science and health science, we will appropriately understand issues based on scientific evidence from the perspective of health promotion. We will also explain physical exercise, which is closely related to sports science and health science, and consider the various changes that occur in living organisms due to physical exercise. Through various field activities, we aim to discover issues on our own and utilize them in our daily lives.
Masami Seminar
Students formulate a hypothesis based on a question they have around them or something they are recently interested in, and conduct experiments and research to find out what the answer actually is. In addition, we will experience and verify the method that ``You can learn difficult movements in various sports and exercises you have never experienced before by devising a step-by-step practice method.''
Private enterprises
アートコーポレーション㈱ /公益財団法人尼崎市スポーツ振興事業団/ ALSOK大阪㈱/ ㈱石井スポーツ/ いすゞ自動車近畿㈱/ ㈱ウエルネス/ ㈱ウエルネスサプライ/ ㈱エービーシー・マート/ ㈱NTTフィールドテクノ/ 荏原実業㈱/ ㈱愛媛銀行/ 大阪ガス・カスタマーリレーションズ㈱/ 学校法人大阪産業大学/ 大阪市高速電気軌道㈱/ 大阪中河内農業協同組合/ 地方独立行政法人大阪府立病院機構/ 関西電力㈱/ ㈱かんでんエンジニアリング/ 社会福祉法人慶生会/ グローブライド㈱/ ㈱COSPAウエルネス/ コナミスポーツ㈱/ 敷島製パン㈱/ スターゼン㈱/ ㈱スタジオアリス/ スポーツクラブNAS㈱/ 綜合警備保障㈱/ ㈱第一興商/ 第一生命保険㈱/ 大東建託㈱/ ㈱東祥/ 医療法人徳洲会 野崎徳洲会病院/ 奈良県農業協同組合(JAならけん)/ 西尾レントオール㈱/ ネッツトヨタ大阪㈱/ ㈱ヒマラヤ/ ㈱ファクトリージャパングループ/ 富士通Japan㈱/ HOS㈱/ 明治安田生命保険相互会社/ ㈱ユニクロ ほか
public sector
警視庁/ 防衛省自衛隊/ 大阪府警察本部/ 京都府警察本部/ 兵庫県警察本部/ 国立大学法人大阪教育大学/ 大東市役所/ 京都中部広域消防組合/ 大野市消防本部 ほか
Osaka Sangyo University Graduate School
大阪体育大学大学院 バイオメカニクス分野博士前期課程/ 関西医療学園専門学校柔道整復学科/ テキサスA&M大学 コマース校 / 森ノ宮医療学園専門学校/ 学校法人洛和学園 洛和会京都厚生学校 看護学科 ほか
National qualification
Qualifications that can be obtained at the same time as graduation
*1 It is necessary to acquire the specified subject credits in the teacher training course.
Public/private qualifications
Qualifications that can be obtained at the same time as graduation
Qualifications that allow you to take the exam at the same time as graduation
*2 Requires completion of specific subjects and graduation.
Qualifications you would like to aim for while attending school or after graduation
*3 Certification requirements and required course credits are required.
Educational and research objectives
Department of Sport and Health Sciences has the slogan "Make people happy through sports!" and based on the founding spirit of "great ordinary people," we contribute to a society where all people can live happy and prosperous lives through sports. We will conduct education and research that contributes to the development of human resources with a "sports mindset". Specifically, Department of Sport and Health Sciences aims to produce 1) health and physical education teachers, 2) sports instructors, 3) human resources who can support health promotion activities, and 4) human resources who can play a role in local sports promotion. do.
Educational goals/
three policies